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Polar Heart Rate Monitors
The home page for the top brand Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) in the world. Choose your model and see a demo. It's all there. Go to the research section, or browse the articles, but get there.
Runner's Guide
Runner's Guide by Tom Cottrell is probably the site I use the most to get information regarding upcoming or annual events. Tom does a great job in assisting me to plan my programmes throughout the year.
Norrie Williamson
Norrie Williamson, well known author of the book "Everyone's Guide to Distance Running", is also one of South Africa's top coaches. He is always willing to share his knowledge on running, and his website shows just that.

South African Road Running Clubs

Agapé Running Club - Pretoria
The club that I have been supported since 1995. A non profit road running club, running for the Son.

Athletics - Provincial Bodies

Kwazulu Natal
Super Sport Zone
A one stop shop for the latest news in the sports world. Easy links to most road running results in South Africa.
Future Dreams
If you're interested in swim triathlon, this is the site to visit for your swimming experience. It's known as "The Worlds Premier Swimming Programme for Triathletes". I quote:"The FutureDreams System is unique. It utilizes the knowledge and experience of Haydn Woolley (the triathlete with the fastest 'Ironman' swim time) along with research findings from top swimming coaches to bring you a swim-program that will help you to achieve your triathlon goals". From programmes to news. It's all there.
SIRC is the world's leading bibliographic database producer of sport, fitness, and sports medicine information. For more than 27 years, SIRC has been identifying, organizing and communicating sport and fitness information and providing it through a variety of products and services.

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